Solution-Based Hypnotherapy, Counselling and Coaching:

Equip yourself to tackle mental health and well-being challenges like anxiety and depression, building confidence and resilience along the way.


I'm Mikayla - a certified hypnotherapist and seasoned life explorer.
Armed with a solution-focused approach and a wealth of experience in counselling therapy, I've gained profound insights into resilience and the transformative power of self-discovery. My mission now is to share these invaluable life lessons and guide individuals in uncovering their happy place. Join me on a journey of healing, self- awareness, and abundant personal growth.

what i can help you with.

Understanding Symptoms: Your Path to Healing and Support.

I aim to provide strong support, helping you address issues like anxiety, depression, anger management, and emotional regulation effectively. Through online counselling and hypnotherapy, I offer personalised guidance for your mental well-being.

a collage of two caucasian women and a one black male staring emotionally into the distance
  • Are you experiencing persistent worry, racing thoughts, irrational fears, disrupted sleep, increased heart rate, irritability, unusual sweating, fatigue, or trouble focusing? These could be signs of anxiety.

    Living with anxiety can significantly impact your daily life and overall well-being. However, there's hope. I'm here to provide guidance and support, assisting you in developing coping skills and effective strategies to regain control over anxiety's influence on your life.

  • Do you find yourself overwhelmed by profound feelings of sadness, isolation, disrupted sleep, changes in appetite or weight, decreased energy, negative thoughts, a sense of hopelessness, diminished interest in activities, or restlessness? These could be indicators of depression. Seeking professional help or talking to someone can make a significant difference in managing depression

    As someone committed to supporting mental well-being, I'm here to help. I can offer guidance, support, and strategies to navigate through these challenging times.

  • Are you facing recurring, unwelcome, and distressing thoughts related to a traumatic event? Are you experiencing intense emotional distress, physical reactions, upsetting dreams, nightmares, or flashbacks tied to that experience? It's possible you haven't fully acknowledged the event's impact or have emotionally distanced yourself as a coping mechanism. Post-traumatic stress might offer some insight.

    Seeking professional help and understanding the effects of trauma can be vital steps towards healing and regaining control over your life. You don't have to face this alone – I can provide guidance, support, and effective tools and strategies to navigate through these distressing experiences.

  • Are you feeling stuck or at a standstill in a romantic relationship, engaged in a power struggle with a colleague, finding it challenging to communicate with friends or family, or frustrated with family members? Do you find yourself involved in more negative interactions than you're comfortable with? These conflicts may stem from emotional distress, differences in personalities, or interpersonal clashes, potentially hindering your ability to cultivate and maintain healthy relationships with others.

    I understand the challenges that arise from these situations. Whether it's navigating relationship hurdles, addressing communication issues, or managing conflicts, I provide assistance through self-discovery opportunities and practical tools to foster healthier connections and improve relationship dynamics

  • Are you finding it overwhelmingly difficult to cope with a significant loss? Feeling intense emotional pain and physical distress impacting your daily life? Is self-care becoming harder, accompanied by feelings of anger, frustration, guilt, or shame related to the loss? Perhaps you're avoiding the grief or using unhealthy coping strategies.

    I'm here to help you through this difficult time. Together, we'll work through these challenges, addressing unresolved feelings and promoting your emotional well-being. You're not alone—I have a range of resources to support your healing journey.

  • Feeling trapped or yearning for change, yet uncertain about the right direction or what that change should entail? Whether it's seeking new friendships, a different home environment, or contemplating a career shift or educational pursuit, transitions can be daunting, especially if they're not by your choice. These shifts often disrupt life's equilibrium, leaving you feeling unsettled.

    My aim is to help you regain confidence and security as you navigate through life's changes. Together, we can work towards ensuring you feel empowered and assured while moving forward through these transitions.

  • Each individual places unique importance and meaning on their work and career. Some are guided by a deep sense of purpose and fulfilment, while others factor in financial considerations.

    My aim is to offer practical strategies for navigating career transitions, improving job satisfaction, and creating a personalised roadmap towards a more rewarding professional and personal life, aligning with your life purpose. Whether it's exploring fresh opportunities, honing skills, or reconsidering career paths, I'm here to provide tailored guidance along this journey.

  • Stress often manifests through a range of symptoms that impact both mental and physical well-being. Common symptoms include persistent worry, irritability, difficulty concentrating, feelings of overwhelm or being constantly on edge, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, fatigue, muscle tension, headaches, and digestive issues. Stress is an inevitable part of life, but managing it effectively can significantly impact overall well-being

    As someone experienced in stress management support, I help individuals identify these symptoms and understand their underlying causes. Through personalised techniques and coping strategies, we work together to reduce stressors and alleviate these symptoms, enhancing your quality of life and resilience in the face of life's challenges.

  • Are you finding it challenging to control your anger or negative emotions? Does anger often become your default reaction, sometimes disproportionate to the situation at hand?

    Recognising the symptoms of anger is crucial—these may include heightened irritability, frequent outbursts, physical tension, increased heart rate, and difficulty controlling reactions.

    I’m here to support you in cultivating healthier ways to manage anger. My approach includes exploring relaxation techniques, restructuring thought patterns, adjusting your environment, and problem-solving strategies. Let me assist you in developing effective tools to handle anger constructively and improve your emotional well-being.

  • Signs of low confidence or hurdles in achieving goals often manifest in various ways. Perhaps there's a lack of clarity regarding your aspirations, leading to difficulty in setting achievable goals. Negative self-talk or a tendency to avoid challenges can also hinder progress.

    As a mentor in confidence-building and goal attainment, my focus lies in addressing these symptoms. Together, we work on bolstering self-belief, defining realistic goals, managing self-criticism, confronting fears of failure, and fostering resilience. Through this collaborative process, individuals gain the tools and mindset needed to confidently pursue their ambitions and navigate their path to success and personal growth.

  • Living with persistent pain can significantly impact both physical and emotional well-being. Symptoms such as constant discomfort or aching, sharp or stabbing sensations, stiffness, limited range of motion, fatigue, and emotional distress such as anxiety or depression. These symptoms can interfere with daily activities, sleep patterns, and overall quality of life.

    My approach involves a comprehensive evaluation of the individual's pain experience, identifying triggers, and understanding the physical and emotional effects. Through tailored techniques including pain-relief exercises, relaxation methods, mindfulness practices, and lifestyle adjustments, I aim to empower individuals to manage and reduce pain effectively. The focus is on enhancing quality of life and ensuring individuals aren't controlled by their pain but rather equipped with tools to navigate it

  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) can profoundly impact a person's emotional and physical well-being. As someone who personally experiences PMDD, I comprehend the challenges it brings. PMDD symptoms go beyond typical premenstrual discomfort, encompassing severe mood swings, heightened irritability, feelings of sadness or hopelessness, anxiety, tension, suicidal ideation, dissociation and a host of physical discomforts.

    Navigating PMDD can be incredibly challenging, but you don't have to face it alone. Drawing from personal experience, I offer support tailored to help individuals with PMDD uncover coping mechanisms and tangible tools to manage symptoms effectively. My approach involves delving into the multifaceted layers of this condition, aiming to identify and address underlying issues. Together, we explore personalised strategies, practical coping mechanisms, and various approaches to unveil different layers of PMDD, empowering individuals to navigate its complexities with greater understanding and resilience

If any of these concerns resonate with you, take the first step towards support by scheduling a complimentary 30-minute discovery call with me.

i help and support my clients…

dive into a collection of free resources


I've created and handpicked worksheets, guides, exercises, and tools, meticulously designed to help you to lean into your personal growth & development. These are the very tools I've used to conquer my own obstacles and reach the place I am today.

Consider these resources as your personal toolkit that you can access at your own pace to support your journey towards calm, connection and well-being.


Curious about the effectiveness of online hypnotherapy, counselling, & coaching?

Discover how these sessions can positively impact your life from the comfort of your own space.

I offer a free 30-minute discovery conversation via phone or video call. Let's openly discuss your needs and aspirations. It's our starting point to explore collaborating on your personal growth journey. Your comfort and clarity matter—I'm here to bring positive change into your life.

  • Eliminates the need for travel, allowing you to receive support from the comfort of your own space. This is especially valuable for those with mobility challenges, busy schedules, or limited access to services.

  • Online breaks down geographical barriers, making it accessible to individuals who might otherwise have difficulty finding a suitable provider nearby.

  • Online sessions can provide a higher level of anonymity, allowing you to feel more comfortable discussing sensitive or personal topics without the fear of being recognised in a traditional setting.

  • Online sessions often offer more flexible scheduling options, including evenings and weekends, accommodating various time zones and busy lifestyles.

  • Being in a familiar environment can make some people feel more at ease and open during sessions, potentially leading to more productive discussions.

  • Online sessions can be conducted through video calls, chats, or emails, allowing you to choose the mode of communication that best suits your preferences and comfort level.

  • For those who travel frequently or have a transient lifestyle, online sessions ensures that you can maintain your therapeutic relationship regardless of your location.

  • Some individuals might feel more comfortable seeking help online due to reduced stigma associated with mental health services compared to face-to-face interactions.

  • Provides access to a wider range of counselors, including those who specialise in specific areas or have expertise that might not be available locally.