

“you can’t go back and change the beginning
but you can start where you are and change the ending”

what is solution-based hypnotherapy, counselling & coaching.

Discover the power of Solution-Based Hypnotherapy, Counselling, and Coaching—distinct approaches designed to identify solutions for individual challenges.

These methods prioritise exploring your strengths and past successes rather than dwelling on the problems themselves. In our collaborative and goal-oriented sessions, we establish achievable objectives and practical strategies, emphasising a forward-looking perspective for positive changes aligned with your values and beliefs.

The Solution-Based model is a framework that empowers you to create solutions and take steps toward the changes you seek, guiding you away from problems and toward solutions. Learn how to overcome mental health challenges, anxiety and depression through personalised, goal-focused sessions.

body shot of a women sitting in a counsellors office with the counsellor. Expressing with hands
  • Hypnotherapy combines hypnosis with a range of therapeutic methods, offering a solution-based approach to help with anxiety and depression. Through conversation, controlled breathing, progressive relaxation techniques, and visualisation, hypnosis induces a deeply relaxed state, enhancing access to the subconscious mind. Within this state, I collaborate with clients to reshape negative thoughts, confront fears, manage stress, alleviate discomfort, and achieve various therapeutic goals. The objective is to drive positive change by concentrating on solutions and achieving transformative results.

  • Counselling is a talk-based therapy where individuals can explore their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in a non-judgemental and open space. Solution-based counselling is a goal-oriented approach that aims to help clients identify and implement practical solutions to their problems. It typically involves short-term, problem-solving sessions where we work together to set specific goals and develop strategies for achieving those goals.

  • Coaching is a goal-driven, forward-focused approach that helps individuals identify and achieve their personal or professional goals. I work with clients to set clear objectives, create action plans, and develop the skills and mindset needed to reach those goals. Solution-based coaching focuses on helping clients find solutions to specific challenges or obstacles in their lives. It can cover areas such as career development, leadership, personal growth, and life transitions.

collage of three images. One looking at the back of women as she sits in front of a white window stretching with arms in the air. A woman's hand on another woman's shoulder. A young caucasian male looking out window with drink in hand

common concerns i address
& benefits.

I specialise in providing expert guidance and support for individuals facing diverse life challenges, emotional regulation, anxiety, depression, and a variety of well-being concerns. 

Together, we navigate and overcome hurdles, leading to positive transformations, improved well-being, and an empowered outlook on life.

  • ▸ Anxiety
    ▸ Depression & low mood
    ▸ Anger management
    ▸ Self-esteem & confidence
    ▸ Stress & burnout
    ▸ Life transitions
    ▸ Relationship problems
    ▸ Emotional dysregulation
    ▸ Trauma
    ▸ Pain management
    ▸ Motivation & goal achievement
    ▸ Performance enhancement
    ▸ Perfectionism & people-pleasing
    ▸ Career development
    ▸ Feeling ”stuck” or stagnant
    ▸ Pre-menstrual Dysphoric disorder

  • ▸ Efficiency & effectiveness
    ▸ Goal-oriented
    ▸ Practical solutions
    ▸ Empowerment
    ▸ Enhanced problem-solving
    ▸ Behavioural change
    ▸ Positive mindset
    ▸ Stress & anxiety reduction
    ▸ Increased self-efficacy
    ▸ Cost-effective
    ▸ Resilience building
    ▸ Introspection & self reflection
    ▸ Self awareness & connectedness
    ▸ Alignment of beliefs, values & behaviour
    ▸ Client-centered holistic approach
    ▸ Sustainable lasting changes
    ▸ Pain management


what to expect.

I'll guide you through each step, offering a supportive space to explore and grow. Together, we'll navigate the process, ensuring a comfortable and empowering experience

  • fearless.

    Embarking on a new journey towards personal growth and well-being can feel daunting, but it doesn't have to be. I'm here to make the first step easy for you.

    Let's connect for a 30-minute complimentary discovery call. This will be a safe and open space for you to share your needs, concerns, and aspirations. It's also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you might have.

  • foundation.

    In our initial sessions, we'll focus on discussing your current circumstances and the life events that have profoundly shaped you. As we continue, we'll explore the beliefs, emotions, and experiences that pose challenges for you. By understanding the origins of these aspects, I'll gain a comprehensive understanding of your unique situation and the obstacles you face. This understanding forms a sturdy foundation for our work together, allowing us to navigate your path to growth and fulfillment effectively.

  • anchor.

    By collaboratively defining goals and pinpointing areas that you're eager to transform, we will construct realistic and actionable steps that steer you toward your envisioned life.

    The cornerstone of this process lies in ensuring that these objectives and actions resonate deeply with your authentic self, enabling profound and enduring impacts that lead to lasting changes.

  • growth.

    Together we’ll continuously assess and refine your goals and actions to equip you with the insights, skills, and resources to adeptly navigate life's challenges and circumstances that may arise.

    This ongoing process empowers you with the confidence and capability to effectively navigate the storms that life presents, and moving forward to be able to find your own solutions, and wisdom from within.


Ready to discover my approach?


Learn about the principles guiding my methodology and how it can supercharge your journey towards personal growth and well-being.

happy clients.



Sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes, a duration carefully chosen to allow ample time and space for a thorough exploration and meaningful engagement. This extended timeframe ensures a comprehensive and unhurried approach, fostering a deeper understanding of individual needs and providing sufficient room for reflection and discussion.


The 90-minute sessions aim to create an environment where clients can delve into their concerns, goals, and experiences with the assurance of dedicated attention, ultimately contributing to a more enriching and effective therapeutic experience.


By dedicating time, energy, and resources to your
well-being and development, you pave the way for
a more fulfilling life. Embracing self-investment
opens doors to new opportunities, enhances
resilience, and fosters a deeper understanding of
oneself, ultimately leading to a more enriched and
empowered existence

€ 90.00 / 90 minute session

€ 675.00 / 8 sessions package


hypnotherapy myths:
separating fact from ficton

  • i can’t be hypnotised.

    While some believe they can't be hypnotised, most individuals can experience varying levels of hypnosis. It often depends on willingness, openness, and the ability to focus. With guidance and practice, many people can achieve a hypnotic state to some extent.

  • loss of control.

    Many believe that during hypnosis, they might lose control over their actions. In reality, individuals under hypnosis are fully aware and can't be made to do anything against their will.

  • unconsciousness.

    Hypnosis is not a state of deep sleep. It's a heightened state of focus and concentration where individuals are highly responsive to suggestions.

  • stuck in a trance.

    Individuals remain in control and can emerge from the hypnotic state at any time, just as they can from any state of focused attention or relaxation.

  • mind control.

    There's a misconception that a hypnotist can control someone's mind. Hypnotherapy actually involves cooperation between the hypnotist and the individual being hypnotised.

  • revealing secrets.

    Participants have agency over what they choose to disclose and won't reveal anything they're uncomfortable sharing.

  • works for everyone.

    While hypnotherapy is effective for many, it might not work the same way for everyone due to differences in susceptibility to hypnosis.

  • need to be in deep trance.

    Success in therapy relies more on the individual's receptiveness, engagement, and willingness to collaborate rather than solely on reaching a deep trance state.

  • magic cure-all

    Hypnotherapy produces remarkable results, however, it is important to note that hypnotherapy isn’t a magic cure that effortlessly resolves all problems. Problems and issues are resolved by an individuals effort to overcome challenges and obstacles.


dive into a collection of free resources


I've created and handpicked worksheets, guides, exercises, and tools, meticulously designed to help you to lean into your personal growth & development. These are the very tools I've used to conquer my own obstacles and reach the place I am today.

Consider these resources as your personal toolkit that you can access at your own pace to support your journey towards calm, connection and well-being.


Curious about the effectiveness of online hypnotherapy, counselling, & coaching?

Discover how these sessions can positively impact your life from the comfort of your own space.

I offer a free 30-minute discovery conversation via phone or video call. Let's openly discuss your needs and aspirations. It's our starting point to explore collaborating on your personal growth journey. Your comfort and clarity matter—I'm here to bring positive change into your life

  • Eliminates the need for travel, allowing you to receive support from the comfort of your own space. This is especially valuable for those with mobility challenges, busy schedules, or limited access to services.

  • Online breaks down geographical barriers, making it accessible to individuals who might otherwise have difficulty finding a suitable provider nearby.

  • Online sessions can provide a higher level of anonymity, allowing you to feel more comfortable discussing sensitive or personal topics without the fear of being recognised in a traditional setting.

  • Online sessions often offer more flexible scheduling options, including evenings and weekends, accommodating various time zones and busy lifestyles.

  • Being in a familiar environment can make some people feel more at ease and open during sessions, potentially leading to more productive discussions.

  • Online sessions can be conducted through video calls, chats, or emails, allowing you to choose the mode of communication that best suits your preferences and comfort level.

  • For those who travel frequently or have a transient lifestyle, online sessions ensures that you can maintain your therapeutic relationship regardless of your location.

  • Some individuals might feel more comfortable seeking help online due to reduced stigma associated with mental health services compared to face-to-face interactions.

  • Provides access to a wider range of counselors, including those who specialise in specific areas or have expertise that might not be available locally.