
Find answers to common questions to get insights and clarity on various aspects of my offerings, empowering you to make informed decisions about your wellness journey

  • Weekly or bi-weekly sessions are ideal to create a consistent therapeutic routine, allowing for continuous progress and deeper exploration of concerns.

    While weekly sessions offer numerous benefits, the frequency of sessions can vary based on individual needs, availability, and the nature of the therapeutic approach. Some individuals may benefit from more or fewer sessions per week, depending on their circumstances and goals.

  • No, I am considered an out of network provider.

  • Individual hypnotherapy, counselling & coaching sessions are €90 / 90 minutes

    8 session hypnotherapy, counselling & coaching package is €675

    Individual Reiki, Yoga & Yin Yoga are €75 / 90 minutes

    Individual Mindfulness, Yoga Nidra & Breathwork sessions are €45 / 45 minutes

  • I have a 24-cancellation policy. If you cancel within 24 hours of appointment, you will be billed for the hour.

  • I accept payment through Stripe, which supports all major cards

  • Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses hypnosis to induce a relaxed state, aiming to address various issues or promote positive changes in thoughts, behaviors, or emotions.

    In hypnotherapy, you can expect to experience a relaxed state guided by a myself. The process involves focusing your attention inward, accessing your subconscious mind, and working together to address specific concerns or goals through suggestions, visualisations, or guided imagery. I will guide you throughout the session, aiming to promote positive changes or help you explore and understand certain issues more deeply.

  • It's a natural part of the process, and it's perfectly normal! Therapy revolves around YOU! Research shows that the connection between helper and client is crucial for progress. If I'm not the perfect match for you, I'll assist in finding a practitioner better suited to your needs.

  • I predominantly work online, but I also offer in-person sessions for those who prefer or require a face-to-face therapeutic experience. This flexibility allows clients to choose the mode of interaction that best suits their comfort and circumstances. Whether online or in person, my commitment to providing effective and supportive sessions remains constant.

  • My services offer adaptable hours to accommodate your needs, ensuring accessibility and convenience in your journey towards well-being.

  • Yes, I provide a complimentary 30 min discovery call. It's an opportunity for us to connect, discuss your needs, and explore how my services can support you on your path to well-being.

    To organise, please use the ‘contact me’ button below.

  • I currently live in the South of France in a village called Labistide de levis, an hour away from the major city Toulouse.
    Time zone - CET (central european time)

Curious about the effectiveness and benefits of mental health and wellbeing services offered online?

Discover how these sessions can positively impact your life from the comfort of your own space.

I offer a free 30-minute discovery conversation via phone or video call. Let's openly discuss your needs and aspirations. It's our starting point to explore collaborating on your personal growth journey. Your comfort and clarity matter—I'm here to bring positive change into your life

  • Eliminates the need for travel, allowing you to receive support from the comfort of your own space. This is especially valuable for those with mobility challenges, busy schedules, or limited access to services.

  • Online breaks down geographical barriers, making it accessible to individuals who might otherwise have difficulty finding a suitable provider nearby.

  • Online sessions can provide a higher level of anonymity, allowing you to feel more comfortable discussing sensitive or personal topics without the fear of being recognised in a traditional setting.

  • Online sessions often offer more flexible scheduling options, including evenings and weekends, accommodating various time zones and busy lifestyles.

  • Being in a familiar environment can make some people feel more at ease and open during sessions, potentially leading to more productive discussions.

  • Online sessions can be conducted through video calls, chats, or emails, allowing you to choose the mode of communication that best suits your preferences and comfort level.

  • For those who travel frequently or have a transient lifestyle, online sessions ensures that you can maintain your therapeutic relationship regardless of your location.

  • Some individuals might feel more comfortable seeking help online due to reduced stigma associated with mental health services compared to face-to-face interactions.

  • Provides access to a wider range of counselors, including those who specialise in specific areas or have expertise that might not be available locally.