

  1. Business Details:

    Sole Proprietorship: Mikayla MITCHELL, 453 LES RIVES 81150 LABASTIDE-DE-LEVIS

    Sole Trader: SIREN: 905276259


  1. Information Accuracy: The content provided on this website is for general informational purposes only. While we strive to ensure accuracy, we make no warranties regarding the completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information.

  2. Use at Own Risk: Any reliance you place on the information provided is strictly at your own risk. We are not liable for any losses, injuries, or damages arising from the use of this website or its content.

  3. External Links: This website may contain links to external websites for additional information. We have no control over the nature, content, or availability of these sites and do not endorse or guarantee the accuracy of information on linked websites.


  1. Information Collection: We collect personal information, including name, contact details, and any details shared during sessions, solely for the purpose of providing hypnotherapy, counselling & coaching, and  complementary therapy.

  2. Information Usage: Personal information is used exclusively for hypnotherapy, counselling & coaching, and complementary therapy purposes and is not shared with third parties without explicit consent, except when required by law.

  3. Confidentiality: All conversations and personal information disclosed during sessions are strictly confidential, adhering to professional ethical standards.

  4. Data Security: We implement security measures to safeguard personal information and ensure it remains protected from unauthorized access or disclosure.

  5. Client Rights: Clients have the right to request access to their personal information, request corrections, or withdraw consent for data usage.

  6. Policy Updates: Any changes made to this privacy policy will be updated on this website. Continued use of our services constitutes acceptance of these changes.

  7. GDPR queries: We manage and administer your personal data and undertake at all times to protect your personal data in a manner which is consistent with a duty of professional confidence and the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We will also take reasonable security measures to protect your personal data in storage.


  1. What Are Cookies: Cookies are small pieces of data stored on your device when you visit a website. They are used to enhance user experience and provide information to website owners.

  2. Types of Cookies: We use cookies for various purposes, including improving site functionality, analysing website traffic, and personalising content for users.

  3. Consent: By using this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this policy. You can manage or delete cookies through your browser settings. However, please note that some website features may not function properly if cookies are disabled.

  4. Third-Party Cookies: We may use third-party services that also place cookies on your device. These cookies are subject to the respective third-party privacy policies.

  5. Analytics: We utilise analytics tools to gather information about website usage and performance. This data helps us improve our services but does not identify individuals personally.

  6. Updates to Policy: This cookies policy may be updated periodically. We encourage you to review this policy to stay informed about how we use cookies.


  1. Acceptance of Terms: By using this website, you agree to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions. If you disagree with any part of these terms, please refrain from using this site.

  2. Content Use: The content provided on this website is for general information purposes only. It is subject to change without notice and is not intended as professional counseling advice.

  3. Website Access: We strive to ensure website availability, but we do not guarantee continuous, uninterrupted access to the site. Temporary disruptions may occur due to technical issues.

  4. Intellectual Property: All website content, including text, graphics, logos, and images, is the property of this website and protected by copyright laws. Reproduction or redistribution of content is prohibited without permission.

  5. Limitation of Liability: We are not liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss or damage arising from the use of this website or its content.

  6. Changes to Terms: These terms of use may be updated or modified periodically. Your continued use of the website constitutes acceptance of these changes.


Hosted by Squarespace: Squarespace Ireland Limited. Squarespace House, Ship Street Great, Dublin 8, Ireland, D08 N12C.

Squarespace Ireland Limited is a private limited company under Irish law, registration number 527641

Representatives: Colm MacCarvill (Director and Secretary-General), Courtenay O’Connor (Director).

VAT Number: IE 3041081MH.
Contact: Tel: +35319058597.

updated january 2024.

Curious about the effectiveness and benefits of mental health and wellbeing services offered online?

Discover how these sessions can positively impact your life from the comfort of your own space.

I offer a free 30-minute discovery conversation via phone or video call. Let's openly discuss your needs and aspirations. It's our starting point to explore collaborating on your personal growth journey. Your comfort and clarity matter—I'm here to bring positive change into your life

  • Eliminates the need for travel, allowing you to receive support from the comfort of your own space. This is especially valuable for those with mobility challenges, busy schedules, or limited access to services.

  • Online breaks down geographical barriers, making it accessible to individuals who might otherwise have difficulty finding a suitable provider nearby.

  • Online sessions can provide a higher level of anonymity, allowing you to feel more comfortable discussing sensitive or personal topics without the fear of being recognised in a traditional setting.

  • Online sessions often offer more flexible scheduling options, including evenings and weekends, accommodating various time zones and busy lifestyles.

  • Being in a familiar environment can make some people feel more at ease and open during sessions, potentially leading to more productive discussions.

  • Online sessions can be conducted through video calls, chats, or emails, allowing you to choose the mode of communication that best suits your preferences and comfort level.

  • For those who travel frequently or have a transient lifestyle, online sessions ensures that you can maintain your therapeutic relationship regardless of your location.

  • Some individuals might feel more comfortable seeking help online due to reduced stigma associated with mental health services compared to face-to-face interactions.

  • Provides access to a wider range of counselors, including those who specialise in specific areas or have expertise that might not be available locally.